Friday, March 22, 2013

Valentine's Day Cards!

Happy Friday!! Good news, I'm really starting to figure out how to work my press now! In the beginning I was quite generous on the amount of ink I used (you can tell by the birthday card I made for my sister in one of my earlier posts), but lately, I've been getting it just right! 

For Valentine's Day, I made my husband a bunch of letterpress cards, and it was the first time I tried mixing my rubbber-based inks. It seems pretty simple in theory, but I tried mixing two different colors and it was a hit and a miss. The first color I was going for was a light purple (eh, it came out a little different than I imagined) and the second color I was going for was a light pink (this color came out great, loved it!)

I can't remember how many different cards I designed for him (I think 6?), but here are three I made. 

Oh, and I even printed a couple of these cute little "to and from" tags. They turned out really well too!  I printed some more of these tags in orange ink too and love them! I'm going to post pics of those in another post.

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